Thursday, December 29, 2011

Grüße aus Perth

Schnelle Fotogrüße aus Perth. Ich habe nahezu keinen Internetzugang. Mehr folgt wenn ich mit Mama und Papa zurück in Singapore bin.

Waiting for my ride on Singapore Airlines.

With Daddy at Aunty Janet's place. We're waiting for the swans and duckies to come.

Left-Right: my second cousins Rayota & Saara, their Mum Asaka, Uncle Victor, Daddy and 2nd cousin Kean.

By the river with mummy.

My first ice cream! Yums.

Saturday, December 24, 2011


Frohe Weihnachten Oma und Opa.

Going To Australia

Hello everybody!
I am going to Perth, Australia for Xmas.
See you all in 2012, happy new year!

Monday, December 19, 2011

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Wir sind erschöpft

Daddy is finally home. We spent quality time snoozing together.

Endlich ist Papa wieder zu Hause. Es ist toll, mit ihm zusammen zu entspannen!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Monday, December 12, 2011


Rice Cup (Tasse Reis)

I have a new toy. I am so in love with it that I wouldn't let go of it even when I went to sleep. It is the container that Mummy uses to scoop rice with. Brilliant.

Busy Dad

My Dad is a real busy dude.
Mein Papa hat sehr viel Arbeite.

Sometimes it's hard to know his priorities.
Es ist nicht leicht zu haben, die Prioritäten richtig

Ah well, at least he makes time for me even when he's on the phone.
Mindestens macht er Zeit für mich selbst wenn er am Telefon ist.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Ich habe Zaehne

Seit letzter Woche Mittwoch bin ich kein zahnloses Monster mehr. Papa hat meine ersten beiden Milchzähne entdeckt, als ich morgens nach dem Aufstehen seine Finger essen wollte. Yippeeeee, die erste Schweinshaxe kann kommen. Ich bin bereit. Ausserdem wissen Mama und Papa jetzt, warum ich in den letzten Wochen nicht mehr so gut schlafe.

My first two teeth came out last week Wednesday. Who else but Papa discovered them. Yay, let the pork knuckles come into my life. I'm all up for them. Mom and dad now finally know why I have been sleeping through less over the past few weeks.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Japanese Restaurant

I'm telling you, my parents have so little time for me...

they have to let the nice waitress aunty babysit me while they eat, 

it's alright since I was busy helping the customer anyway.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


My parents took me to their friends' little baby's First Month Party. There were many kiddies, the kind that can run on their legs.

At least I didn't have to go home empty-handed.

6 Months

I am 6 months old, 75.5 cm and 10 kg!

I can pull myself up to stand, I can also sit by myself now.
I like swimming and bath time, I dislike lying down.
I'm tired of car rides, I'm ready for my first airplane!

Monday, November 7, 2011

My Favourite Seats

 Hello! Guess which is my favourite place to be?
Hallo! Ratet mal was mein Lieblingsplatz ist?

Here I am waiting for my lunch.
Ich warte auf mein Mittagessen.

 Here I am in my swing.
Ich in meiner Schaukel.

Here I am in the kitchen.
Ich in der Kueche.

And here I am on the couch.
Und ich auf der Couch.

So which is my favourite place to be?
Also, was ist mein Lieblingsplatz?


You got it! Right here in my crib.
Yep! Hier in meiner Krippe.

Brunch At Dempsey