Saturday, April 28, 2012

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Sunday Afternoon

Daddy and I are real men. And real men don't wear pants.

Lunch Time Symphony

I was being really impossible yesterday during lunch, said my Mummy.
So she let me have the fun, noise-making thing, and when I was getting busy with it, I let Mummy feed me a little.
 I got to go to beach again, this time Daddy was around.

I forgive you Daddy.


I don't mind girls,

the bigger ones can be rather interesting...

Hmm, quite nice.

Supermarkt 2

Since I started walking, Mummy and Daddy have found me a lot more helpful.

Friday, April 20, 2012

婴儿小组 / Baby Spielgruppe

Photo credit: Edie's Mummy
I made some new friends yesterday.
Like me, Maxi is half Chinese, and so is Edie the girl who doesn't do much.
All their Mummies are from Taiwan, which means they speak better Chinese than Mummy.
Photo credit: Maxi's Mummy
But Mummy says I'm in luck because I get to learn Chinese in 简体字 instead of the traditional script you see above, which the Taiwanese babies have to learn. Haha!

四个宝宝 / 4 Schätze

Me, Dion, Maxi (Swiss-Chinese), Edie (Japanese-Chinese)

Photo credit: Aunty Martine (Maxi's mother)

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Remote Control

What? I know what I'm doing Daddy!

I'm turning on the air conditioner!

Wrong remote! That's not funny, Daddy!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

I Can Walk!

Sorry about the lens, Daddy was not very good with it and so I look like I'm walking sideways.

The Singapore Zoo

The Singapore Zoo: Spielplatz!

 This is the best place on earth!

 Yay, this is the best place on earth!

 See? This is the best place on earth!

Wow, this must be the best place on earth.....

Nice.....this is really the best place on earth.....

Yikes! My little butt is hanging out,
but still, this is the best place on earth!

 Hooray! This is the best place on earth!

What? I don't wanna go home.....this is the best place on earth!

Friday, April 6, 2012


 Hi Daddy, while you were in Bangkok playing football, I went to the beach with Mummy.

 Dion was there too...

 ...and his Mummy and Daddy.

I looked for you everywhere Daddy,

 I waited and waited....

but you never came.

So is Bangkok more fun than picnicking with me?

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Kleine Fußballspieler / Little Footballer

Ich spiele nun seit drei Tagen Fussball. Mein Trainer sagt es hapert noch ein wenig an der Technik, aber die Ansaetze sind vorhanden.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Sunday at East Coast with Papa

My new trick.
Meine neuer Trick.

Die Tattoos habe ich nicht abbekommen. Aber naja, wenigstens ist nichts an meinen Händen kleben geblieben.
No way could I remove these tattoos. At least nothing got stuck at my hands.