Thursday, November 29, 2012


No dog has ever made me feel this way.
I am fascinated and fearful at the same time.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012


There is no other water playground like the one at the Singapore Zoo!
Es gibt keine andere Wasserspielplatz wie im Singapore Zoo!

Monday, November 19, 2012

My New Playroom / Neuer Kinderzimmer

 Mummy, I want to sketch you the layout of my new playroom.

 I can see it in my mind, nothing too jazzy.... primary colours.

 Here, I'll show you what I mean...

What the.....
Who's this clown, Mummy, he's ruining everything!

Listen to me, Mummy and Daddy!
I have a vision.
Make it happen!

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Same Zoo..... friend.

Gleicher Zoo....neuer Freund.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Juju and Maxi Joint Venture

 I'm not a fan of joint ventures, especially with the Swiss.

 What? You want me to work with Maxi?
Oh, alright Daddy, but I'm telling you I can do a better job by myself.
 Come on then Maxi, get it going.

 Let me do it, Maxi, you just watch and learn.

 No, I'M in charge of the bucket.

 You Swiss should just stick to making cuckoo clocks and underground bank vaults.

Leave the REAL work to the Germans.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Junior Intern

Mummy's office needs staff badly, so badly that they asked me to come in today to help out Consular Officer for East Asia. Since my schedule was open, I obliged. 
It's not like I am busy saving the economy and our labour woes today.