Friday, September 30, 2011

Curriculum Vitae

Relevant Skills: Looking cute on my belly

Education: Sitting quietly by myself

Hobbies/Interests:  Grabbing my feet

At Last We Meet

We held hands for a moment, it was magical. 
Then our Mummies put us apart because it was getting too dangerous.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Mein erstes richtiges Essen

Obwohl die Ärztin gesagt hat, ich könnte mir ruhig noch Zeit lassen, feste Nahrung zu mir zu nehmen, meinte Mama heute, nicht milchiges Essen mal ausprobieren zu wollen. Nach dem täglichen Bad habe ich ausser der Windel nichts angezogen, mich mit Lätzchen in meinen Schaukelstuhl gesetzt, und los ging das Vergnügen. Es war gar nicht so schlecht. Seht selbst...

The doctor said I should hold back with solids for a while more. Whatever, thought mom. We gave it a try and I was happy to get something else than the bottle for once. After having taken my daily bath I wore my diaper and a bib, and there we went. Not too bad, indeed. Take a look for yourself.

Als ich mit dem Brei durch war, habe ich mir aber dann doch noch eine Flasche gegönnt.

After I had finished my meal, I felt like a milk bottle for dessert. Fortunately I knew where to find the milk.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Universal Studios

On Saturday I went to my first Office Retreat at Universal Studios Singapore!

 Here I am with Mummy's colleagues

 Mummy is putting sunscreen on me

 That's Aunty Yiling and Aunty Davina

 and Uncles Adam and Yong Weng babysat me while Mummy and Daddy were on the Battlestar Galactica

 It was hot but I was alright

 Uncle TK!

 My Mummy and Daddy

What a great day!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

My first flip / Meine erste Drehung

Vorgestern habe ich mich erstmals alleine umgedreht. Die Drehung im Video fand mit leichter Unterstuetzung statt, aber ich kann es auch schon allein. Way to go...

Meine Familie und ich

Mit Oma

Mit Opa

Mit Papa

Mit Mama

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Mit Opa

Gardens with Oma & Opa

Saturday we went to the Botanic Garden with grandma and grandpa. After a quick breakfast at Mr. Prate (well, I don't like Prata yet and slept away) we hit the gardens.

Trees kinda fascinate me. I had a lot to look at before I got hungry. Good that grandma was there for me.

After my breakfast we moved on. It was a good day.

I wanna go again and will tell my Singaporean grandparents to bring me there!