Monday, March 5, 2012

My Homies

 Hello! Let me introduce you to my homies, aka my posse, aka my entourage.
 This is my Opa. He's cool. He carries me everywhere and doesn't complain that I am heavy.

 This is my Oma. She's the best, and she likes to ask me how tall I am "Wie grosse is der Juju?"

This is my Mummy.

 That's my Gong Gong. He gives me EVERYTHING I want.

 That's Uncle Tobi. Sometimes he comes around. He still owes me a present.

 That's Yi Po (grand aunt). She helps Po Po out with babysitting me. Apparantly I'm a two-person job.

That's my Yi Yi (auntie Val) and my Popo.
You all know Daddy of course.

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