Sunday, March 25, 2012

The Restaurant Critic

 Oh it's you again. Where am I?
I'm at this bistro called Skyve, it's hidden away in this old schoolbuilding off Bukit Timah Road.
What? Is it any good?
Well, let me see....

  Okay, the food looks a tad on the chi chi side,             Hmm, not bad, tastes pretty good.  I recommend  
  quite pricey for breakfast, give me a minute....                 the smoked salmon with avocado and rosti.

                         Yes, this is the smoked salmon....                               Mummy said I couldn't have the pear
                                                                                                          but Aunty Carrie gave me ice cream.

 It's a bit like House at the Barracks at Dempsey. But this one is better cos they have a nice swing outside. Let's take a look at the other side.

    I'm a bit iffy on the carpet, a string came undone                            Whoa, check out the aunty!
    when I pulled, but it's cool if your Mummies 
    aren't uptight about it.

Service could be better, my freshly squeezed orange juice came after everyone had finished eating and the plates were cleared. And the waiter didn't seem to understand either English or Baby.

Okay, no more interviews please.
It's my nap time.

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