Friday, December 24, 2010

Papa in dem Schnee

That is the Papa jumping around in the snow. I like jumping around too, but Mummy couldn't do much under 3 layers of winter clothing and toting my gear around in her tummy. It was warm and cosy for me, but Mummy huffed and puffed a little trudging in the snow in the forest. I can't wait to visit again next winter. Next time I will be jumping about in the snow.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Hallo, Ich Bin Julien

Ja, that is me in 3D. Like my hand?  My first photo wasn't too good, Mummy got a shock so the Doc had to take a better one where I don't look like the extras on Alien Resurrection.

That's the back of my head and my backside.  And my heartbeat is 143 bpm. Doc said my tummy bubble is a good size and so is my head.  I am now 219 grams and 18 weeks old.

That's my hands and feet from the back view.  You can't see my wee-wee, but everyone got a good look and they're quite sure now I am a boy.  The Papa was very relieved and happy.  Looks like we are ready for my debut in Germany. See you all soon!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

New Mummy Clothes

Topshop Maternity

Mummy cannot wear her jeans and pants anymore, cos I am taking up to much space. So she went and bought some new pants which cost a bomb, she said. But what is the funniest thing is all the elastic on her pants... she has never worn elastic since she was a little girl.

M.U.G from La Bloomingchic (Marina Square)

Euraugo (Marina Square)

I think the Papa is going to complain about her shopping bill when he finds out. He's in Korea now, in a city called Seoul, which is near the border to North Korea. Mummy told him that if he gets stuck in a war this week, she's not sure she's going to be able to get him out.  I think "war" means you can't get onto the aeroplane. People are also afraid of this, I hear them talking about it these days.  I hope the Papa comes home soon. Before the war.

Monday, December 6, 2010

My Toy List

Mummy and the Papa had a disagreement about my toy list.  Mummy thinks it's good to give me all kinds of toys - she calls it "gender-neutral socialization" - so that I don't become too much of a boy's boy. Papa thinks she's crazy and that she shouldn't experiment with me. Mummy says there is nothing wrong with giving me a girl's toy as well as boys' toys. Here is what they discussed:
Teddy Bear
Papa: Okay

Papa: Okay

Papa: He should have a Maserati, but okay.

Barbie Doll
Papa: No Way!!
Mummy: Why not?
Papa: We are NOT giving him a doll.
Mummy: Tell me why he cannot have a doll if he can have a truck and football?
Papa: Let other scientists mess around with other people's kids lah. My son is not playing with a doll! (twitches exasperatedly)
Mummy: Give me ONE reason why not?
Papa: He'll become gay!
Mummy: No he won't.
Papa: Yes he will.
Mummy: No he won't.
I don't know what "gay" means, I think it's something like having an extra hand or extra foot, cos Papa seems to be very afraid of it. I don't even know what the fuss is, as long as they give me something to do when I'm out there, I will be fine. Now I only have my umbilical cord to play with and it's not that interesting. The other thing is jumping on Mummy's bladder and she doesn't like it either. So bring me the Barbie Doll! I don't care! 

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Mein erste Urlaub

This is where I am going to be in December!

I hear it is completely different from Singapore, and according to Mummy, it is going to be bloody cold. I think I will be just fine in here inside Mummy, but she said she's going to be quite uncomfortable. Still, I am excited cos there will be new sounds and smells. We are also going skiing! Well, not Mummy, but the Papa and Uncle Tobi.  There will be some other kiddies coming too, I heard, for Mummy to practice babysitting. The Papa also talked about some yummy things we are going to eat, like fondue and raclette and lots of other fun stuff we don't get here. Mummy had pig organs for lunch again today, don't get me wrong, I don't hate Chinese food, but it's getting boring down here, especially since I started smelling and tasting stuff.

I won't be able to see anything from down here, but my ears are getting quite sharp, so I can hear everything. I heard there are quite a lot of people in good ol' Germany who want to meet me! Too bad they can't see me yet, I will only be the size of a banana during Christmas, as I have some more months to grow before my big debut next May.  But don't worry, if all goes well, I will be seeing all of you next year!