Monday, October 25, 2010

Arms and Legs!

Today, Mummy and the Papa person saw my arms and legs! I have two of each, but Papa only saw one arm. My legs were moving around. The doctor person also let them hear my heartbeat. It is 175 bpm (beats per minute).  

As you can see, half of me is my head. Papa said I was very cute, and Mummy said she probably suffered so badly the past 3 weeks because I decided to try out my new legs. I can also touch my face now with my hands.

In 2 weeks, Mummy will go for another test, to see if there is a chance I get this awful disease. She will have her blood tested too. Mummy is now back on her nausea medication so she is not so depressed.

And I can go back to kicking!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Monday At The Doctor's

On Monday, Mummy will go to the doctor's again. She needs more medication so that she can have a normal life.  The Papa person will come too, he has not heard my heart beating and he's quite psyched about it and seeing me on the screen again.

I am much bigger than I was, and Mummy said my eyes are going to open this week. I can't see a thing in here anyway, so it makes no difference to me.  I can hear a lot though, it's never quiet down here, and I never get much sleep.  I wake every time Mummy's cortisol levels jump, and this is always when we are in the car, during which Mummy (and sometimes the Papa) says "Fuck", "Fucker" and "Fucking idiot!" a lot. I'm looking forward to meeting all these people very soon, since Mummy and Papa seem to know them very well and see them every day.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Mein erste Flug

On Tuesday I went on my first flight, it was to Jakarta for one night.  Of course I had the best seat in the house -- me in my amniotic sac all by myself -- while Mummy had to squeeze in cattle class. She was nervous about having to heave on the plane, but luckily all went well, apart from some stress waiting for our lunch.

The sounds were new and strange, but I was not afraid because Supercomputer said it was just the engines and propellors.  Hmm, I shall have to wait a few more months to find out what those are.

Mummy's flight home was delayed on the tarmac while parking, and she was cross because she was going to be late, said Supercomputer. Luckily Mummy made it back to office and we picked up the Papa person again. Supercomputer said "Home sweet home", I think it means Mummy's glad to be back on the sofa with her legs up.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

9 Weeks

That was me 4 weeks ago, I was still a blob and had not yet started causing havoc to my mother's body. I can hear her thoughts sometimes, she says pregnancy should be a human rights atrocity and she will be contacting the people from the Geneva Convention.

This week I have a brain and my heart is beating. My sex organs will form soon. I am pretty sure I am going to be a girl, cos my Mummy keeps saying that she doesn't want a disgusting little boy and I hope I won't disappoint her. She's getting all kinds of pimples and feeling very sorry for herself every time she throws up her stomach contents in the toilet bowl. This happens a LOT, I can feel the vibrations each time she heaves ho.

She's not very pleased with me most of the time, cos I can see the stress cortisol levels going up and down, especially when she is on the phone and shouting. She shouts a lot. There's a Papa somewhere and he gets shouted at too, but he's alright, he doesn't shout back and he kisses Mummy even though she keeps saying: "Don't touch me!"

Mummy spends a lot of her day with her head on the table. I try not to make too much gas but it's hard, she gets really upset she cannot go out to lunch because of the gas. Mummy listens to a lot of Glee and lately this Offspring song called "Kristy Are You Doing Okay". She's a bit emo, and cries when she reads a sad article in the paper, I know cos Tear Duct Central starts up and down here the hormones go a bit haywire.

Maybe things will get better when all my organs are done and the Progesterone guys stop messing with Mummy. Then maybe she will start to love me more too.

Oh, and if you are wondering why sometimes I write in German and sometimes in English, it's because the Papa person is German and Mummy is....well, Mummy is Chinese but it's too much a hassle to put the Chinese words in, so I shall write in English for Mummy's sake. Mummy said she will speak to me only in Chinese when I Come Out, because if I am to be a winner in the New Global Economy of China Superpower, I have to speak 3 languages. And you know - Mummy know best. Tschues!

Monday, October 18, 2010


Mama ist zur Zahnreinigung beim Zahnarzt. Ich glaube ich werde wie Papa. Das Geraeusch tut so sehr in meinen kleinen Ohren weh, dass ich lieber erst mal fuer die naechsten Jahre nicht zum Onkel Zahnarzt will.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Hallo Ihr - Wer bin ich?

Achteinhalb Wochen nach dem mein Papa seine bislang beste Leistung vollbracht hat, hat er heute Mama ueberredet einen Blog fuer mich zu starten. Momentan weiss ausser mir selbst noch niemand, ob ich ein Julien oder eine Allyson werde. Ich werde das Geheimnis auch noch ein paar Wochen fuer mich behalten. Mama haette lieber eine Ally - Papa sagt ihm ist es egal. Obwohl Mama ihm das nicht so ganz abnimmt, denke ich ihm ist es echt egal. Ob Junge oder Maedchen, er freut sich schon riesig auf mich. Ich denke das Gleiche gilt auch fuer Mama.

Naja, erst einmal gehen die beiden wohl eher davon aus, dass ich ein Maedchen bin. Ansonsten haetten sie den Blog ja nicht Allysworld genannt. Was soll's... eine URL kann man ja auch wieder umbenennen. Ich verrate noch nichts!

Bis bald,

Julien (oder bin ich Allyson?)